Tax Holiday

David D. Dorton
Communications & Legislative Affairs Director
Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday
The statewide Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday of the last full weekend in February and ends at midnight on the following Sunday. The Auburn City Council has historically approved an ordinance each year exempting specific items from the City's 4% sales tax, including severe weather preparedness items such as batteries, radios, flashlights, phone chargers, and more.
A full list of exempt items and more information is available on the Alabama Department of Revenue's website.
Back to School Sales Tax Holiday

The statewide Back to School Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on the third Friday in July and ends at midnight on the following Sunday. Historically, the Auburn City Council has approved an ordinance each year exempting certain items from the City's 4% sales tax. This gives shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain school supplies, computers and clothing free of sales tax. Exempt items include:
Clothing - All human-wearing apparel suitable for general use is exempt unless it otherwise appears on the taxable list; clothing items must cost $100 or less per article of clothing to be exempt.
Computers and Computer Software - A single purchase with a sales price of $750 or less will be exempt. Items exempt include computers, computer software, and school computer supplies.
School Supplies - Any items of $50 or less per item commonly used by a student in a course of study will be exempt. Supplies may include art supplies, reference maps and globes, textbooks on an official school book list with a sales price of more than $30 but less than $50, and books with a sales price of $30 or less per book.
Items not exempt during the Sales Tax Holiday Weekend include:
- Clothing accessories such as handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, and umbrellas;
- Protective equipment such as breathing masks, hard hats, helmets, and safety belts;
- Sports or recreational equipment such as ballet or tap shoes, athletic gloves, goggles, or shin guards;
- Furniture;
- Any systems, devices, software, or peripherals designed or intended primarily for recreational use;
- Video games;
- Magazines, newspapers, periodicals, or any other document printed or offered for sale in a non-bound form.
Find more information on the Alabama Department of Revenue's website.