Engineering Division

Engineering Services
161 N Ross St
(334) 501-7390 - -
- M-F
- 7:30AM-4:30PM
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Brandy Ezelle, P.E.
Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer
The Engineering Division provides engineering and project management services for construction and improvements to roads, sidewalks, drainage structures and bridges within the City and coordinates the plans review process for engineering and utility construction proposed by the local development community. The division includes surveying, drafting, design, and right-of-way acquisition personnel to support the construction activities.
The land surveying section is responsible for collecting surface and subsurface topography for existing conditions within a project boundary. The crew is responsible for researching right of way, easements, and utility lines to augment the surface features in order to provide quality data that supports eventual design. The survey section also collects stormwater features for developments within the corporate boundaries that are incorporated into GIS.
The goal of the drafting section is to provide accurate and uniform computer aided and manual drawings. The drafting section must combine data from surveying and design to produce drawings that are clear, functional, and constructable.
The design section develops and oversees civil designs based on standard engineering practices for roadways, drainage facilities, bikeways, sidewalks, parks, water facilities, and sanitary sewer facilities. The goal of the design section is to provide quality designs that are sound, cost effective, constructable, and safe for the general public.
The right of way section is responsible for the legal acquisition of real property necessary to construct improvements within the City in accordance with The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 as amended. The real property includes rights of way, easements, and right of entry permits. From time to time it is necessary for the right of way section to collaborate with Alabama Department of Transportation on federally funded projects.
The Engineering Division investigates complaints regarding drainage and streets and develops remediation plans, as necessary, for correction of problems.
To report a drainage problem or street problem (not potholes), call (334) 501-3780 or email the Engineering Services Department.