

  1. Engineering Services
Engineering Services

Engineering Services

161 N Ross St

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer

City of Auburn Engineering Design and Construction Manual – The Design and Construction Manual was completed in June 2010 with an effective date of January 1, 2011. It consolidates all design and construction standards that were previously published in the City Code, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Storm Water Manual, Standard Details and Standard Specifications for street construction, traffic engineering, storm water drainage design, and geotechnical engineering.

Specification and Details – The Standard Specifications and Details are developed and maintained by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department of the City of Auburn, Alabama.

Decorative Pedestrian Lighting Master Plan – The Decorative Pedestrian Lighting Master Plan identifies the locations where decorative pedestrian lighting is required along the City rights-of-way and establishes the standards for which those lights are installed.