Traffic Study

Engineering Services
161 N Ross St
(334) 501-7390 - -
- M-F
- 7:30AM-4:30PM
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Brandy Ezelle, P.E.
Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer
2019 Study
Skipper Consulting, Inc. presented the Comprehensive Citywide Traffic Study to the City Council on Thursday, May 23, 2019. The study was initiated in early 2018 to evaluate Auburn’s key intersections, identify areas in need of improvements and supply coordinated traffic signal timings for select corridors. The presentation, project recommendations and the completed study are available below.
Traffic Study Presentation
Engineering Services Recommendations
Title Page and Table of Contents
Section 1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
Section 3 Corridor Studies
- Subsection 3A: Bent Creek Road Corridor
- Subsection 3B: College Street Corridor
- Subsection 3C: Dean Road Corridor
- Subsection 3D: Donahue Drive Corridor
- Subsection 3E: Gay Street Corridor
- Subsection 3F: Glenn Avenue Coordior
- Subsection 3G: Magnolia Avenue Corridor
- Subsection 3H: Moores Mill Road Corridor
- Subsection 3I: Opelika Road Corridor
- Subsection 3J: Samford Avenue Corridor
- Subsection 3K: Shug Jordan Parkway/East University Drive Corridor
- Subsection 3L: Isolated Intersections
- Appendix 3.1 Growth Rate Analysis
Section 4 Recommended Improvements
- Subsection 4A: Bent Creek Road
- Subsection 4B: College Street
- Subsection 4C: Dean Road
- Subsection 4D: Donahue Drive
- Subsection 4E: Gay Street
- Subsection 4F: Glenn Avenue
- Subsection 4G: Magnolia Avenue
- Subsection 4H: Moores Mill Road
- Subsection 4I: Opelika Road
- Subsection 4J: Samford Avenue
- Subsection 4K: Shug Jordan Parkway/East University Drive
- Subsection 4L: Isolated Intersections
Section 5 Project Prioritization
Section 6 Construction Cost Estimates
Traffic Signal System Coordination Analysis Report
2008 Study
The City of Auburn Traffic Study was presented to the City Council on January 22, 2008. The Traffic Study addresses many elements of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan, such as, intersection improvements, crash study to reduce the amount of accidents and traffic circulation standards to maintain existing capacity of the street network.