U.S. Highway 280 Corridor Focus Area Study
What is the "U.S. Highway 280 Corridor Focus Area Study"?
This website will help inform the Planning Department’s U.S. Highway 280 Corridor Focus Area Study, which is a programmed update of CompPlan 2030. The City of Auburn’s CompPlan 2030 serves as a general policy guide for future community improvements and decision-making. Among other aspects, it uses the Future Land Use Plan, which is advisory in nature, to help achieve Auburn’s long-range vision for the use of land. Originally established during the CompPlan’s initial adoption in 2011, the Future Land Use Plan must be periodically updated to keep pace with new developments and changing conditions.
Why is the study being conducted?
The Planning Services Department routinely conducts "Focus Area Studies" to help maintain the Comprehensive Plan's applicability. The Comprehensive Plan looks at the long term vision for land use in the entire city and is updated on a five-year basis. Focus Area Studies allow us to look at smaller geographic areas like neighborhoods and corridors in more detail and as needed. Given the importance of the U.S. Highway 280 corridor as a gateway to the community and the increasing demand for developable lands, this focus area study has been programmed for FY2021. Focus Area Studies take into account a variety of considerations, like resident input and planned infrastructure improvements, to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan stays both current and implementable between five-year updates.
How can I provide input or get involved?
- A "virtual open house" was held on August 20, 2020 using Zoom. Staff were available to answer questions about the project and hear comments throughout the day.
- A second open house was held on Aug. 26, 2021, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the Development Services Building located at 171 N. Ross St.
- The Proposed Future Land Use Survey allows participants to place a point and comment on a map of the area.
- Contact the Planning Services department by phone, email, or appointment to discuss your property
Will this study affect my property?
No city-initiated changes to the zoning of property are being considered with this focus area study. The results of this study will be used to make changes to the future land use designation only. The Future Land Use designation helps inform rezoning decisions but does not rezone property automatically. Property owners can request to rezone their property through the standard rezoning process established by the Zoning Ordinance and applicable local code. Open the "Frequently Asked Questions" below for a more detailed explanation of the Future Land Use designation.