
Interlibrary Loan

  1. Auburn Public Library
  2. Services

Auburn Public Library

749 E Thach Ave

Shantrie Collins

Shantrie Collins


When the library does not have a book on a particular topic and is not able to purchase it for the library’s collection, we may request the book via interlibrary loan (ILL). The library will place a request through the WorldCat/OCLC database and select libraries primarily from Alabama, Florida, or Georgia from which to borrow. If the request is fulfilled the lending library will send the book to the library via U.S. Mail.

The library reciprocates by lending APL’s books to libraries primarily in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. We will not honor requests for easy picture books, audio visual materials, textbooks, books less than a year old, or books in high demand at APL.

Patrons may have 2 active interlibrary loan requests at a time.

Please note that while most requests are fulfilled within 2 weeks it may take up to six weeks, if the loan can be processed.

Registered patrons may make ILL requests in person or by emailing our ILL team at

ILL materials are non-renewable and subject to a $1.00 per day late fee if overdue. Lost or damaged ILL materials are billed to the borrower at the cost of the item as set by the lending library plus an additional $25 processing fee.