
Neighborhood Outreach

  1. Office of the City Manager
  2. Public Affairs
Office of the City Manager

City Hall

144 Tichenor Ave, Suite 1

Allison Blankenship

Allison Blankenship

director of city relations

Neighborhood Directory

The City of Auburn's neighborhoods are diverse in tradition, history and culture. We want to work with each to help residents optimize City services and communicate on matters important to them. We strive to keep an updated neighborhood directory and are asking for established homeowners associations and unofficial neighborhood groups to connect with us by emailing Director of City Relations Allison Blankenship at with your representative's name, contact information and neighborhood. Through this, we will start conversations on how to best establish an effective partnership with each part of Auburn's community.

Neighborhood Conference

The Neighborhood Conference is an annual event taking place on a Saturday in August. This event is geared toward neighborhood groups and all residents interested in the quality of life in Auburn’s neighborhoods. It includes break-out sessions and a keynote speech along with opportunities to meet fellow neighbors who work to make Auburn safer, friendlier and lovelier every day.

Look for more information about the 2024 Neighborhood Conference soon.

Citizens' Academy


The purpose of the City of Auburn Citizens’ Academy is to inspire an engaged citizenry by strengthening the relationship between residents and their local government and providing a deeper understanding of City operations through departmental visits, hands-on activities and candid conversations.

Participants graduate with the knowledge of day-to-day operations, the tools to get more involved and a stronger connection with fellow community members and City staff in all 19 departments.

More information about the Academy can be found at

2023 Citizens' Academy Class
2022 Citizens' Academy Class

Neighborhood Cleanup Project

On an annual basis, the City of Auburn selects a focus area within its boundaries on which to make repairs and perform general maintenance work. The Neighborhood Cleanup Project began in 2011 as a way for City staff to work with residents to beautify and nourish Auburn’s neighborhoods.

Report an Issue

Spy a pothole in your neighborhood? Notice a light outage on your street? Report non-emergency issues directly to the City's work order system through Auburn FixIt, an online/mobile app that makes it easier to access the City services you need. Simply create an account to report a problem and track its status to completion.

Helpful Links

  • Who should I call?
  • eNotifier. Pick and choose which City news to receive right to your mobile device or email — from street closings and general announcements to trash pickup notifications and Economic Development news.
  • Neighborhood events in parks. Learn how to reserve a spot in a city park for your event.
  • Cleanup efforts. Borrow supplies from the Environmental Services Department to help with your neighborhood's organized cleanup efforts.
  • Community Development Block Grant. Learn how the CDBG program can help you.
  • Boards and Commissions. Get involved by serving on a City board or commission; apply for vacancies in the City's online portal. Vacancies are regularly announced in OpenLine, through eNotifier and at City Council meetings.