
Business Licenses

  1. Finance
  2. Licensing and Taxes

City Hall

144 Tichenor Ave, Suite 5

LaTrice Mose

LaTrice Mose

Revenue Manager

Any company or person conducting business in Auburn is required to obtain a City of Auburn business license prior to commencing business activity. City business licenses expire on December 31st of each year and a business license must be renewed for each year that the business is in operation.

Renew Business License Online!

Before business can be conducted in the City of Auburn, a Business Registration form should be submitted to the Revenue Office along with the business license fee. The first year license fee, with a few exceptions, is $105. In addition, the following items may apply depending on the nature of your business:

  • A Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is required if the business location is newly constructed or remodeled (Issued by City of Auburn Inspection Services).
  • A health permit is required for all businesses preparing food (Issued by the Lee County Health Department).
  • A Life Safety inspection is required for all Auburn-based businesses locating in an existing commercial building/space (Issued by the City of Auburn Inspection Services).
  • A Zoning Certificate is required for all businesses operating in a commercial location within the city limits of Auburn (Issued by the City of Auburn Planning Department).
  • A Home Occupation Permit is required for all businesses operating from a residence located within the city limits of Auburn (Issued by the City of Auburn Planning Department).
  • A City of Auburn alcoholic beverage license is required for establishments selling beer, wine, or alcohol of any kind. A liquor license must first be obtained through the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC).
  • A business licensed by a state of Alabama licensure board (e.g. cosmetologist, landscape architect, security alarm installation) must present proof of their State of Alabama licensure board license when applying for a business license in the City of Auburn.
  • A separate business license is required for each physical location within the city limits of Auburn.