Department Spotlight

The Bailey-Alexander Complex
1501 W Samford Ave
(334) 501-3060 - -
- M-F
- 7:30AM-4:30PM
FY24 Statistics
- Cleaned 280 miles of sewer main (FY24)
- Completed video inspection of 3.13 miles of sewer main (FY24)
- Completed 1299 service lateral video inspections related to new construction (Fy24)
- Responded to 288 sewer service calls (FY24)
- Inspected 199 grease traps (Fy24)
- Recycled 1,957 gallons of household grease (FY24)
- Treated 2.98 billion gallons of wastewater
- Completed 745 erosion and sedimentation control inspections
- Inspected over 15 miles of local streams
- Inspected 308 stormwater outfalls
- Produced or purchased 2.65 billion gallons of water
- Sold 2.43 billion gallons of water
- Completed 21,037 water system work orders (FY21)
- Flushed 1,369 fire hydrants (FY21)
Recent Projects
Sewage and Collection Treatment
- Completed construction of the H.C. Morgan Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Blower Improvements Project
- Completed miscellaneous projects at the H.C. Morgan WPCF including: (1) Rebuilding the headworks bar screens; and (2) Rebuilding the biosolids belt press conveyor.
- Completed emergency repairs to a secondary clarifier at the H.C. Morgan WPCF.
- Completed the H.C. Morgan WPCF Security Gate and Camera installation project.
- Completed the Northside WPCF Security Camera installation project.
- Installed a new bypass pump at the Stone Creek Lift Station.
- Completed construction of the Northside Sewer Basin 5 Rehabilitation Project (vicinity of Foster Street, Byrd Street, Highway 14 and Shug Jordan Parkway).
Water Treatment and Distribution
- Completed the installation of approximately 900 linear feet of 12" water main on Byrd Street from Magnolia Avenue to West Glenn Avenue.
- Completed the installation of approximately 350 linear feet of 6" water main on Mercer Circle.
- Completed the installation of approximately 820 linear feet of 8" water main on South Gay Street from Magnolia Avenue to Thach Avenue.
- Completed the improvements on South Gay Street south of Samford Avenue.
- Completed the improvements on South College Street from Samford Avenue to Garden Drive.
- Completed the James E. Estes Water Treatment Plant Security Gate and Camera installation project. Began construction of the improvements to the Lake Ogletree dam outlet structure and spillway.
Watershed Management
- Updated City's Stormwater Management Plan and associated Comprehensive Stormwater Quality Monitoring Plan.
- Began the process of planning for the creation of the City's Green Infrastructure Master Plan (with stated purpose of guiding the City's efforts toward the use of green infrastructure as standard practice).
- Assisted with the implementation of and provided materials to the Auburn University Community Garden to install a small rain garden and cistern (280 gallon) at their facility on campus.
- Completed the renovations of the Softball Complex Streambank Stabilization Project, utilizing both hard and soft armor practices on 150 linear feet of the Parkerson Mill Creek streambank.
- Installed 150 linear feet of Flexamat articulated concrete matting along Town Creek near downtown.
- Installed 200 linear feet of Flexamat articulated concrete matting along Parkerson Mill Creek in association with a sewer stabilization project.
- Began participating in discussions and meetings associated with Auburn University's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Policy Initiative (in part, looking for opportunities to develop interjurisdictional consistency in our approach to stormwater management).
- Partnered with the Clean Water Partnership to bring the Waters to the Sea kiosk to the City of Auburn Municipal Library.
- Purchased and installed three real-time stream gages with cellular telemetry (two on Chewacla Creek and one on Saugahatchee Creek).
- Purchased and installed one EXO2 real-time weather quality monitoring station in Lake Ogletree.
- Purchased and installed one tipping bucket, one air temperature sensor, one humidistat, and one wind speed/wind direction sensor at Lake Ogletree.
- Partnered with Alabama Water Watch to begin coordinating and sponsoring volunteer water quality monitoring in Parkerson Mill Creek through the Auburn University's Coast Guard Auxiliary Unit.
- Maintained a very active outreach presence by giving >14 diverse presentations to a variety of different organizations.
- Performed more than 1,000 Erosion and Sediment Control inspections, resulting in 560 enforcement letters and twenty 72-hour Notices of Violations.
- Supported and participated in numerous recommendations outlined in the Natural Systems section of the City's Comp Plan 2030.
- Continued the weekly monitoring of 40 stations throughout the City for turbidity, adding dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, and specific conductance.
- Continued monitoring of upstream/downstream locations with two Hydrolab DS5 mutiparameter water quality sondes.
- Implemented the second year of a five year in-sourcing Source Water Monitoring Plan.
- Continued to finance USGS stream gaging operations on both Saugahatchee and Chewacla Creeks.
- Completed the 14th year of conservation measures outlined in the Chewacla Creek Safe Harbor Agreement.
- Completed the second annual Citizen Stormwater Survey.