
Drainage System Maintenance

  1. Engineering Services
  2. Flood Protection
Engineering Services

Engineering Services

161 N Ross St

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer

The Public Works Department maintains the storm drainage system helping to keep the creeks and streams in the City of Auburn clean and free of debris and pollutants. In order for the drainage system to operate efficiently, ditches, streams, and channels must be kept clean. Debris, including leaves and grass clippings, can obstruct the flow of water and cause overflow onto streets and yards. Residents and business and property owners can play a huge role in this effort by maintaining ditches and streams on their property and by notifying the City when maintenance is needed in the right of way.

The City Code prohibits taking any action that can impede the flow of water in ditches and waterways. If you know of any illegal dumping of debris or any action that could affect the drainage system, please contact the Public Works Department at (334) 501-3000.

To report clogged drainage ditches or streams please call (334) 501-3000, email or report it using the Auburn FixIt app.