Flood Protection

Engineering Services
161 N Ross St
(334) 501-7390 -
webengineering@auburnalabama.org -
- M-F
- 7:30AM-4:30PM
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Brandy Ezelle, P.E.
Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer
In May 2014, the City of Auburn was accepted into the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). Even though everyone does not own or live on property in a floodplain, the program benefits the community by protecting the environment, making people safer, and saving everyone money. The City received a Class 8 score for our CRS application, which allows citizens of Auburn a 10% discount on their flood insurance for all CRS eligible NFIP policies in the community regardless of flood zone. In the spirit of the CRS program, the City of Auburn is dedicated to informing and educating our residents regarding floodplains in the City of Auburn.
The August 2024 Open Line issue features flood protection information.
The City of Auburn maintains an archive of elevation certificates per NFIP CRS requirements, demonstrating floor elevations for new and/or improved structures. This growing archive is accessible to the public through the City’s public access document viewer or via its interactive Flood map. The following Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) information can also be provided upon request: the community number, the map panel number and suffix, the date of the FIRM’s Index, the Base Flood Elevation shown on the FIRM, and the elevation datum used on the FIRM.
Due to recent changes to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the Lower Tallapoosa Watershed, you may be interested in reviewing your property. You can find more information about your property and how it is affected by the floodplain by going to our Flood Map. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Click here for more information on how to obtain flood insurance and financial assistance.
The information below details some key information regarding flooding: