
Your Property & the Floodplain

  1. Engineering Services
  2. Flood Protection
Engineering Services

Engineering Services

161 N Ross St

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Brandy Ezelle, P.E.

Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer

Are You Insured?

The City of Auburn is an active participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and plays a leading role in keeping citizens informed regarding local floodplain and how it can affect their property. Even if your property is not located in a high risk flood area it is a good idea to buy flood insurance, as 25% of all flood insurance claims come from areas with minimal flood risk. Two important facts that citizens should know are:

  • Homeowner’s insurance policies DO NOT cover flood damages or losses.
  • Insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period BEFORE coverage goes into effect.

There are two types of Flood Insurance Coverage offered: 1. Building Property, up to $250,000 , and 2. Personal Property (Contents), up to $100,000. The NFIP encourages people to purchase both types of coverage. Your mortgage company can also require that you purchase a certain amount of flood insurance. Below are additional resources to assist you before purchasing a home or if you already own your home.

Check Before You Buy

Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Requirements


FEMA - Flood Insurance

Property Protection Measures

Flooding remains the country's number one disaster and can potentially affect everyone and every property. If you own property, you can apply these permanent retrofitting techniques that can help to eliminate or reduce flood damage:

  • Elevating your house one foot above the base flood elevation.
  • Flood proofing your house to make the walls and flooring watertight so that water cannot enter.
  • If you know you are in a flood prone area, flood-vent the crawl space under your home so that water can flow through.

Employees from the City of Auburn are available for site visits to review flooding and drainage issues and provide one-on-one advice to the property owner on appropriate flood protection measures. We are also available to help in reviewing and critiquing retrofit plans for flood-prone residences and buildings.

Contact our Inspection Services Department at (334) 501-3170 for about protecting your home or business from flooding.

Natural and Beneficial Functions of the Local Floodplain

Floodplain areas and wetlands provide a wide range of benefits to both human and natural systems. Flood control and water quality are the two most important aspects of our local floodplain. Wetlands absorb water during heavy rainfall or flooding and slowly release the waters downstream, reducing flood damage. Also, wetlands and wetland plants help to absorb and filter potentially harmful chemicals and pollutants. The City of Auburn is home to several identified, undeveloped floodplain areas which provide recreation, education, and research critical to our local economy. Several successful projects have been implemented to protect the City of Auburn’s valuable wetlands including: the Town Creek Park Stream Restoration, a Pocket Wetland at the County Dumpster/Compactor Site, Parkerson Mill Creek Clean-Ups, and the wetlands located at Wrights Mill Road Elementary School.