Sidewalk and Traffic Calming Requests

Engineering Services
161 N Ross St
(334) 501-7390 - -
- M-F
- 7:30AM-4:30PM
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Brandy Ezelle, P.E.
Interim Engineering Services Director / City Engineer
Sidewalk Request
A request for sidewalk construction may originate with an individual, a neighborhood association or the City Council. Petitions from multiple individuals are encouraged to show neighborhood support but are not required. Requests from citizens should be submitted to the Engineering Services Department. The request should specify the street(s) on which sidewalk construction is requested and state the reason(s) for requesting sidewalk construction. Any existing roadway conditions which support sidewalk installation should be noted, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Provide access for walking to schools
- Provide access to pedestrian destinations, such as transit stops, parks, places of worship, places of work and commercial areas
- Provide access for the disabled
- Connect to an existing network of sidewalks
- Show evidence of a worn path
- History of vehicular/pedestrian crashes
The Engineering Services Department will evaluate each request to determine if it should be recommended to City Council for budget consideration. If the Engineering Services Department determines that a sidewalk may be warranted, the engineering staff will evaluate the feasibility of construction, considering factors such as:
- Available right‐of‐way or easement for installation
- Terrain
- Existing obstructions, utility poles, landscaping, etc.
- Existing trees and the impact on trees
- Drainage conditions
- Cost estimates
The results of the evaluation will be available to the public.
If the engineering evaluation concludes that construction of the requested sidewalk is feasible, it is added to the list of proposed construction projects and forwarded to the City Council for inclusion in its budget hearing to be considered for funding. Any resident may attend the budget hearing and provide input. If the project is funded, the Engineering Services Department will schedule construction.
Traffic Calming Request
The City of Auburn strives to provide its residents with safe, comfortable and livable residential streets by utilizing smart and efficient design standards. However even with all the best intentions, sometimes motorists find ways to drive too fast along those residential streets. Sometimes streets become cut-through streets used by more vehicles than was originally intended. To help alleviate those problems the City of Auburn created a Traffic Calming Policy. The policy was originally adopted by City Council in 2002 and revised in 2011 with the adoption of the Public Works Design and Construction Manual.
What is Traffic Calming?
Traffic calming is a means in which to reduce speeds and minimize vehicular traffic on local neighborhood streets. Traffic calming often utilizes physical devices, such as speed humps and traffic circles, installed in a roadway to reduce both traffic speeds and volumes. In some instances, devices such as a radar speed trailer or additional signage are recommended in lieu of physical devices. Citizen involvement in neighborhood traffic management activities is strongly encouraged.
How do I get Traffic Calming on my street?
To request traffic calming for your street simply submit a Traffic Calming Request and a Traffic Engineer will contact you in regards to your request. If you do not hear from a Traffic Engineer within one week, please call (334) 501-7390 and we will be more than happy to assist you.
What is the process?
Once your request form is received, staff will acknowledge your request and place your street on the schedule for data acquisition. Staff will collect speed data and traffic volumes. The data will be evaluated against expectations for your street. You will be notified regarding the findings of the analysis. If physical devices are warranted, the applicant is provided a petition for circulation to the affected area. Once the petition is returned to the City with 66% approval on the petition it will be placed on the agenda for City Council approval.
How long does the process take?
It typically takes about 2 to 4 weeks for staff to collect and analyze the data.
If my neighbors sign a petition, will it help?
A petition is not necessary when you return your Traffic Calming Request Form. If physical devices are recommended for your street, you will then be provided with a petition for circulation in the affected area.