Urban Forestry Program

Public Works Building
4277 Wire Rd, Suite 300
(334) 501-3000 -
webpw@auburnalabama.org -
- M-F
- 7AM-4PM
The urban forest is the backbone of Auburn's natural environment, providing clean air and water, habitat for wildlife, space for recreation, and an aesthetic that affects all aspects of life in our community. It is the tie that connects every person and every thing in Auburn. As such, its protection and care is of utmost importance. The Public Works Department plants and maintains street trees, issues permits for pruning and removal, provides emergency tree response, and assists Parks and Recreation in the maintenance of park trees.
Urban Forestry Program Vision
By 2040, 55% of Auburn will be covered by a diverse and resilient urban forest, recognized and protected by the community for its positive environmental, social, and economic impact. The urban forest will be a hallmark of the city of Auburn, creating a sense of place for citizens, students, alumni, and visitors from around the world.

Outstanding Tree Award
The Outstanding Tree Awards celebrate Auburn’s beautiful urban forest and its stewards. The Awards are managed by the City of Auburn Landscape and Sustainability Division and winners are selected by the Tree Commission. Read about the current award winner and submit your nomination.
Support our Urban Canopy
You can support Auburn's urban canopy by volunteering or donating to the Auburn Tree Trust