
Youth Tennis Clinics

  1. Parks and Recreation
  2. Athletics
  3. Tennis
Parks and Recreation

Yarbrough Tennis Center

1717 Richland Road

Francois Bosman

Francois Bosman

Tennis Professional Coor

Register for classes. You can view all classes under tennis. We run classes on a monthly basis and continue all year long. You will need to create an account to see available spots. Please only register for the wait list if you don't get an a class. All registrations are online. Class descriptions are available at the link above.

Registration opens:

October 15th for November classes

November 4th for December classes

December 15th for January classes

Contact Sarah Hill for all registration questions at

4-5 year old tennis (Red Balls)

M/T/W/R    3:15pm-3:45pm  Choose one or two days a week

6-8 year old tennis (Red & Orange Balls)

M/T/W/R     3:30pm-4:15pm  Choose one or two days a week.

9-12 year old tennis (Orange & Green Ball)

M/T/W/R   4:15pm- 5:15pm  Choose one or two days a week.

12-17 year old tennis (Green and Yellow Ball)

MTWR  5:15pm-6:15pm  Choose one, two, three or four days a week.

8 - 18 Intermediate/Advanced Tennis (Green and Yellow Ball)

Players displaying good basic technique, can rally 10 or more times and know how to keep score can enter intermediate classes. You can request to join a class or a instructor will make the suggestion. Current Intermediate Classes: Green Dot 8-11: Tue,Wed,Thur 4pm-5pm,  Intermediate Yellow 11-17 Tue, Wed,Thur 5pm-630pm, Advance 14-18 Tue, Thurs 730pm-9pm

Find more information on the MyRec registration site. Classes are held at the Yarbrough Tennis Center.  You must be intermediate to advanced player to register for these classes. You can also email Francois Bosman at