
Moving Out?

  1. Environmental Services
  2. Garbage and Recycling
Environmental Services

Environmental Services Building

4277 Wire Rd, Suite 100

Catrina Cook

Catrina Cook

Environmental Services Director

Here are a few tips to make the process run smoothly.

Before you start setting everything out for curbside pick-up don’t forget that gently used items such as clothing and furniture can be donated to our local Salvation Army, Goodwill or Women’s Shelter. As you are clearing out your pantry set aside unopened non-perishables such as boxed dinners and canned food to be taken to the East Alabama Food Bank.

Garbage: Food and food related waste shall be placed in the green garbage cart.

Trash: Furniture, appliances, yard waste, and other bulky items shall be placed curbside.

Tip #1 Compact Pile

Place your trash out in one compact pile, away from obstacles (low tree limbs, power lines, water meters, mailboxes and vehicles)

Tip #2 Separate

Keep garbage separate from your discarded trash and bulky material. Garbage should go in your green cart.

Tip #3 Start Early

Start discarding the non-food items you are not taking with you a few weeks before your move-out date.

Tip #4 Call Ahead

Call ahead and let us know if you’re going to put out more bags of garbage than will fit in your green cart.

Need more help? Call our office at 334-501-3080 or visit