
Pruning and Removal

  1. Public Works
  2. Landscape and Sustainability
  3. Urban Forestry
Public Works

Public Works Building

4277 Wire Rd, Suite 300



urban forestry specialist

Trees are identified for removal or pruning through annual risk assessment performed by the City's Urban Forestry Specialist. Tree replacement will be conducted during the dormant season and completed by February 1. Emergency pruning and removal activities may be completed year-round.

Risk Assessment


While it is impossible to maintain trees completely free of risk, the following procedures will be used to maintain a healthy urban forest and mitigate potential harm to people and property in the City of Auburn. The City has adopted a risk assessment based on the International Society of Arboriculture’s Tree Risk Assessment form, which measures crown and branch defects, trunk defects, root defects, and site and pruning history.

Risk is assessed based on the likelihood of failure, likelihood of impact, and the seriousness of the consequences should the tree fall. Extreme risk trees will be removed immediately, while high risk trees will be monitored going forward on an annual basis. Low and medium risk trees will not be removed. Trees may have serious defects but pose little risk because they have a low likelihood of impact. The City of Auburn recognizes the ecological benefit of these trees to our environment and reserves the right to maintain them where appropriate.

Request for Inspection

Citizens may request inspection of city-owned trees by contacting the Public Works Department or by using the Fix-It App. The Urban Forestry Specialist will schedule an assessment within two weeks following the request. If the tree is determined to be an extreme risk, it will be removed. If the tree is not determined to be an extreme risk but the citizen requests removal, they may apply for a Street Tree Removal Permit. Tree Risk Assessment must be requested and conducted before a Street Tree Removal Permit is issued.

Scheduled Removals

Upcoming and completed pruning and removal work can be found on the City's Procurement page.